Ventura Global Health Project (VGHP) is a Ventura, California-based non-profit organization with one goal in mind: enabling medical professionals to provide care to underserved populations across the globe.

Founded in 2012, VGHP has now had over a decade of success in supporting altruistic practitioners who carry a deep commitment to serving those in need. To date, VGHP has granted over one million dollars towards this mission. 

VGHP strives to answer this question: if there are a wealth of talented doctors willing to serve humanity at a high level, how can we in local communities champion this as a cooperative goal? Ventura Global Health Project aims to do so by:

  • Provide Grants to resident physicians for travel expenses so they can be exposed to provision of care for underserved peoples and develop a lifelong commitment to service
  • Help young professionals launch careers providing care to the medically underserved.
  • Provide travel grants for short-term medical volunteers who support career doctors in the field  
  • Provide grants for select equipment critical in medically underserved settings, to support career doctors.

VGHP is proud to be part of a medical community with a long-standing tradition of service and thrilled to contribute to the ongoing development of nascent healthcare programs globally.