Category Archives: Grantees

Ventura Global Health Project provides grants enabling Ventura based medical professionals to provide long term volunteer care. If you are a physician or medical professional who plans to embark on long term service to the poor and you need support, we would like to talk to you.
If you are a physician or medical professional who is interested in providing short term volunteer care to support a local physician at one of our project sites, we would like to talk to you. Ventura Global Health Project reimburses all travel expenses for short term volunteers.
Ventura Global Health Project 2013 Grants:

VFMR Global Health Track

Grantee: Ventura Family Medicine Residency 

Grant Amount: $20,000

Purpose of Grant: Provide travel expenses for residents and attending physicians participating in international rotations under the Global Health Track program of Ventura Family Medicine Residency (VFMR).

Brief Description: VFMR, affiliated with Ventura County Medical Center and UCLA School of Medicine, is a nationally known for a commitment to Global Health. VFMR is initiating a formal Global Health Track curriculum to expose residents to conditions encountered while providing care in underserved areas. It is believed that young doctors who are exposed to volunteering have higher likelihoods and rates of volunteerism throughout their careers. VGHP will pay travel expenses required for the residents and attending physicians to participate in the international rotations.

Dr Self

Grantee: Dr. Zachary Self

Grant Amount: $20,000

Purpose of Grant: Purchase Equipment for startup clinic in Santo Tomas la Union, Guatemala

Description: Dr. Self, a 2011 graduate of the Ventura Family Medicine Residency,  has demonstrated commitment to long term service in Santo Tomas La Union, Guatemala. He has constructed a purpose-built clinic,  and will spend August 2013-August 2014 in a Guatemalan residency program to obtain a medical license in Guatemala. His intention is to spend his life “living in solidarity” with the local indigenous peoples. He projects a minimum budget of $120,000 to adequately equip the new clinic. The proposed grant will constitute the first funds Dr. Self has received to support acquisition of equipment.

Drs Yates/Simpson

Grantees: Dr. Michelle Yates and Dr. Kavi Simpson

Grant Amount: $30,000

Purpose of Grant: Provide Living Expenses for long term volunteer work in Soddo, Ethiopia

Brief Description: Drs. Yate and Simpson, both 2011 graduates of the Ventura Family Medicine Residency,  have been accepted as volunteer doctors at Soddo Christian Hospital in Soddo, Ethiopia, where they have committed to a minimum of 3 years service. They intend to build a Family Practice Residency at the hospital, training local doctors. Doctors Yates and Simpson will move to Ethiopia along with their spouses and children. VGHP is the first substantial donor of living expenses, and will provide anchor of funding from which to launch other fundraising efforts.